August 28, 2008

City Island Says, "Adieu Ezra Miller"

It's a tradition that after an actor's last scene the company will pause to say, "Congratulations and adieu." Director Raymond De Felitta made sure this moment of Ezra Miller's final set moment was captured as a motion picture. My camera was the one most handy so it was rather left to me to put it together. Here it is, with Raymond's fine piano artistry behind.

Ezra's a total shining star - in every way - and we all wish him the best, always.


February 29, 2008

Public Domain Tibetan Meditation Bell


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March 25, 2007

Mr. Kinberg is an Artist

I'd no idea that Mr. Kinberg was an artist. Vlogger in the news!
clipped from

At the other end of the threat spectrum was Joshua Kinberg, a graduate student at Parsons School of Design and the subject of four pages of intelligence reports, including two pictures. For his master’s thesis project, Mr. Kinberg devised a “wireless bicycle” equipped with cellphone, laptop and spray tubes that could squirt messages received over the Internet onto the sidewalk or street.

The messages were printed in water-soluble chalk, a tactic meant to avoid a criminal mischief charge for using paint, an intelligence report noted. Mr. Kinberg’s bicycle was “capable of transferring activist-based messages on streets and sidewalks,” according to a report on July 22, 2004.

March 21, 2007

Amanda Congdon & Ze Frank In Marketwatch Blog

Curiosity about what's next for Ze (and Amanda), here's the first I've heard about what Mr. Frank might be up to.

Another prominent Web blogger, Ze Frank, is also casting about for new opportunities.  He, too, is using the popularity of his Web video show to break into other media. He and National Geographic pitched PBS on a documentary series.

Both Congdon and Frank have become 'brands.'  Rather than trying to sell advertising on their Web video efforts, while no one (or everyone) was looking, they were selling themselves.

 powered by clipmarks

March 6, 2007 :: Wall Street Journal :: Walter S. Mossberg

All of the Faux Press' media is hosted by, so it makes me all warm and fuzzy to see mentioned in the WSJ by Walter Mossberg. Blip deserves all the success in the world 'cause Blip 'gets' what indie producers need and deserve.

How did Blip figure it out? They went to the community and asked. And listened. And implemented based on what they learned.


February 17, 2007

Vlogosphere Demographics :: Thanks, Rocketboom!

Andrew from Rocketboom has regularly - and generously - shared tons of information with the videoblogging community about his process of making the daily hit show.

Enclosed with this post is his latest gem: a PDF of survey results created on Andrew's behalf by Rob of Podcast411.

Thanks Andrew.

Rocketboom is the first & most successful of videoblogs to rise from the ranks of the early adopters. His first partner - Amanda Congdon - was the first to cross over into the mainstream when she was hired to vlog for ABC News. And while Rocketboom was not the first videoblog to sport paid advertising (HERE's the first ever vlog ad), it was certainly the first to go BIG with advertising, netting $40K from an Ebay auction.

We thought the press corps would be interested.


February 16, 2007

Vloggers in the News

Let's see if this javascript will deliver all the Vloggers in the News to a post...

Fingers crossed - X.

FYI, I ran the Delicious tag 'vloggersinthenews' through FeedDigest.

FeedDigest generates customizable RSS output (javascript, PHP, etc.) you can use elsewhere. Very cool.

That method is used to dynamically present the Vlog Press Kit news links seen in the sidebar.

Sponsored: 64% off Code Black Drone with HD Camera (Mar 24, 2016 10:03)
Our #1 Best-Selling Drone--Meet the Dark Night of the Sky!

3-D Printing for the Masses: MakerBot's Replicator - (Jan 26, 2012 23:06)

Breaking News: Caught U.S. Airways flight 1549 being towed to Teteboro Airport on Rte 46 » Quintano Media (Feb 1, 2009 06:55)

Is Ron Paul Being Outfoxed? (May 2, 2008 13:42)

Ryanne's Video Blog (Oct 26, 2007 09:58)

Mefeedia blog » Blog Archive » put vlog thumbs on your website (Oct 26, 2007 09:58)

ClickPress | NORML Launches First Video Blog (Vlog) Cash Prize Contest On Free Community Sites. Organization Comm (Oct 26, 2007 09:58)

MobuzzTV - The British Law of Vlogs (Oct 26, 2007 09:58)

TV Beyond the Tried and True - New York Times (Oct 26, 2007 09:58)

BetterBadNews (Oct 26, 2007 09:57)


Videobloggers' Calendar :: Keeping a Community Together

Many articles on videoblogging tend to miss the aspect of the cohesive strength of our 2500-member community.

This Google calendar - created by Susan Kirkpatrick and managed by contributors Jay Dedman, Roxanne Darling, Devlon Duthie, Paul Knight, and Jan McLaughlin - is only one tool that helps us keep it together.

We tried any number of calendars, including our email list's native calendar through Yahoo!, but to no avail. Google's seems to be sticking.

Why? Because it's open. Folks to manage it are easily added, and anyone may subscribe.
